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3 students awarded grand prize at 19th IYF English Speech Contest (2019.11.12 The Korea Herald)

  • 관리자 (cjlhsmid)
  • 2019-11-12 17:57:00
  • hit1096
  • vote2

 ▲ 중등부 대상을 수상한 이재현양(사진 가장 왼쪽).  (사진=IYF)


 A total of 1,500 students competed nationwide in the regional preliminary competition and the best 78 made it to the finals of the annual speaking contest, held at Sejong Hall in the Seoul Human Resource Development Center.

Each of the middle and high school students competing in the finals gave a three-minute speech on one of six topics, including dreams, school violence, problems of the 21st century and future coexistence between humans and robots. The university students had to speak for four minutes each. 

Middle school prizewinner Lee Jae-hyun, a second-year student at Cheongju Lincoln House School, gave a speech titled “No More Villains"

“Speaking is a tool to express the heart. We are dreaming of a warm society where people can freely express the beauty of Korea to the rest of the world in English and having good conversations by expressing one’s heart and listening to others,” the Rev. Park Ock-soo, founder of the IYF, said.



출처: 코리아헤럴드(www.koreaherald.com)    Choi Ji-won ㅣ (jwc@heraldcorp.com)  

기사 URL: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20191112000596&ACE_SEARCH=1





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